This was a live heart healing love frequency meditation/journey filmed on 8/6/22. Collectively many have been feeling burnt out, alone, afraid… Lot’s of us are noticing changes in relationships and work. Some are feeling stagnant and possibly looking for new purpose. Well, this is a very special heart healing love frequency activation that will help release a lot of fear and negative energy from our hearts in order raise our frequency heal our ability to receive energies that are aligned to us. This activation of newer frequencies of love can be just what some of y’all need to feel renewed and ready to attract aligned relationships, friendships, and resources to support you on your path.
- About spiritual journey/meditation:
Everyone processes these journeys differently. A lot of energy will be moved. If you’ll be with us for this journey/meditation, here are a few notes:
-Make sure you are hydrated with good clean water.
-Try to be comfortably seated.
-You might feel sensations in your body, that’s normal.
-Don’t worry if you fall asleep, some people process better when they are asleep.
-If you yawn or cry a during this, that’s normal, too. You’re moving energy.
-Enjoy the process.
After journey:
-You may feel tired or very energized.
-Drink a lot of water afterward.
-Ground yourself by eating afterward.
-Journal about your dreams in the next few days if possible.
-You may notice your mood shift for the better as we have helped you move stagnant energies and release energetic traumas.
-With these higher frequencies of love being introduced, be ready to receive more aligned energies, and divine synchronicity.
-Enjoy the process.